There are lots of different reasons to jump to the conclusion, especially given the preternatural and prolonged period of inactivity on my blog, that I had thrown in the towel and given up.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Though my apparent dormancy may seem like inactivity, it in fact was strategy. I've immersed myself to my nose and ear holes in that which can only serve to make me better. Now I could say that I've been steeped in creating killer robots to find, and torture my feckless former supervisor. Which is a complete, yet delicious, fantasy.
Or I could say that I've been battling bureaucracy in all its myriad and stultifying incarnations, but that would be both lofty and far more excitement than was actually had.
I could say that I found love and had been cocooned in its rapturous embrace, made languid by its sweet words of everlasting kisses and adamantine fidelity. Lost in its promise of sweet and blissful eternity rolling from one gold dappled cloud to the other, laughing like school children with a dirty secret. But that would be far too Dickensian for my tastes.
No the reality of it all is that I've been writing and writing and drawing and writing...etc. I've been preparing for my first comic book, both written and drawn by my own hand. It's been a long time coming. I wanted to be as good as I could be before debuting my first endeavor. I didn't want it to be a freshman effort even though its being created be a newbie.
Stay posted...more to come.