Friday, January 28, 2011

Cabblog 01.27.11

A day after the BIG FLAKE, the city and the streets are getting back to normal, and the great gladitorial battle for available cabs begins anew.

As I sit, victorious in a taxi on my way to work, the dejected waifish NY debutant flashes me a look of defeat and disgust.

Although I wonder who the real victor is, as it seems my driver is overly fond of "easy listening". As he sings, in robust tones, to Bon Jovi. And as a short cab ride, will rack up a fee the size of Liberia's deficit, I wonder if walking would not have been more prudent.

Bryan Adams seems to be a particilar favorite, at the moment.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cabblog 01.26.11

The heat and the funk inside the cab, battled for dominance against the gaping maw of a wide open window.

It's hurting my eyes

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cabblog 01.14.11

There are any number of foriegn languages flying through the air in NYC. All are quite beautiful, that is when they're not being utilized to question the lineage, or the species of one's mother.

The vitriol would be less concentrated on a bus (surprizingly), but far less entertaining.